Monday, January 12, 2015

A's miracle!

Well the name of post is miracle, because I think it is a miracle.
I have a friend at my college, let’s call him A.
He is just my recent friend! So few days ago we were just sitting in our campus chit chatting. And then the recess time was up and everyone started going towards mess and canteen. But A said he isn’t going to take lunch, for a week.
We asked why? And he said that his friend is doing this diet thing, and so he decided to follow him too.
I asked what exactly you do? He said he doesn’t take lunch in a day, only dinner. For a week!
I said okay! I felt this must be something diet craziness.
Then after almost a week, he told me the real reason.
He told me that, his one of the best friends who is living back in his hometown, was upset about his job issue and all. He was getting frustrated over this, so he decided to keep fast of day for a week.
So A who doesn’t believe in this fast and all stuff, but decided to keep fast like his friend kept. (Without telling him!)
After two days, his friend quit, but A continued his fast for his friend.
He didn’t take 7 days lunch meal, even though the person who had decided to follow this gave up.
He told me this and I was like! Haaaa?
And his answer was for his friend. I was really surprised by his this answer and whatever he did for his friend. I said, tell your friend to give up this stupidity, and register for some job profile sites and start actual working on things which might help him to get job.
Well A told this thing to his friend, and he did register for the sites.
(I also urged him to tell his friend what he did for him, but he refused to do so saying that he might not believe him.)
And then the miracle happens, one day after he finishes his ritual of 7 days fast for his friend! J
I got a call from A, and he said,” Hey, my that friend got a job today!”
And again I was shocked! Man??
Personally I am so much of a believer in this karma stuff. I do believe that good things happen to those who behave and think and do good deeds.
But this was like a real time example I just witnessed!
Even though his friend quit, but A continued this ritual with a sacred mind and god gave its results! Isn’t it amazing?
This might be the coolest coincidence, but A still refusing to tell his friend what he did for him, saying that it might not feel right.
Well the purpose of writing this post is only that it made me feel great.
When I try to tell something, I feel always proud of myself for thinking others over me. Its not one of the right thing to do. But yes, I am selfish here, to make myself feel better by thinking that I think about others before me!
But today A made me realized that this is how a selfless deed is done, Not just by his attitude towards this thing but it got approved by the god’s own symbol of miracle!
And I can’t even imagine what happiness he must be feeling when he heard the good news!
So to the selfless deed! J To the infinite happiness we get by looking others happy!
To A! A and to his devotion! And To the miracle!J

Sunday, January 4, 2015

In health and in sickness!!!

Well i actually don't know what I am going to write about, but I am kind of frustrated over situation and I think it will be better if i wrote something about it.
Once I read somewhere that pain is the best gift a man kind has, this sentence was further explained as we see diabetic patients loosing their legs or any other part of body because they couldn't realize the pain they have to feel when there is some wound, and then it becomes more and more serious until one day you have to loose the part which has been effected.
In our entire life we get through pain, a physical pain, a mental pain, a pain sometimes we cant even explain, and a pain sometimes we cant bear.
Recently one of my good friends was experiencing such a vigorous pain because of some health problem he had, and i was unable to console him by my words. I tried to tell him the above sentence and later as much as I thought about it, I felt like how true this is.
A pain is a feeling which makes us unable to think properly, unable to control our anger, frustration and every bit of our senses making us feel pity on ourselves. But on the other hand, what if we didn't had any pain feelings in our entire life?
We would be the senseless robots, feeling nothing and living in senseless surrounding, world would be so different than it is now.
There would be no pain of failing in something, the pain of heart break, the pain of getting rejected over something, the pain of falling from the bicycle for the first time, the pain of loosing the person you loved the most, the pain of so many unlimited things which makes us feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.
What our lives would be if we never felt the pain of loosing in something? There would be no world conquerors who woke up after that never ending pain of being no one. There would be no feeling of care among people unless there would be the pain of loosing them.
For our entire life we do only things that Cursing our pain and trying to get rid of it as far as possible and that what we call the happiness. An utterly relaxed feeling of having no pain, but it is like a mirage making us feel detached from the pain.
So I think our pain must be the really greatest gift we have achieved from whoever made us, which makes us realize how great our happiness is and why it is great.
To the pain! In health and in sickness! :)