Why do we make a queue for something? Only when that thing we are waiting for is worth the wait…
Maybe someone is there, looking at us from up in the sky, where there are no limits, someone is trying to shape us as they want, trying to make us feel what they want... world is not just so simple, made up of definite logics and proofs, its miracle too... without any explanations and theories... Its just us... Maybe we are waiting for someone , to rescue us... Maybe someone is there waiting for our turn to come...
Sunday, December 19, 2021
The queue
Monday, August 9, 2021
Gender fluidity and India
I have been listening, watching a lot of talks around gender fluidity and I feel it's time to pen or blog it down.
So the strange thing I came across when I was graduating in year 2014 and I read a news in newspaper, a female athlete pretended to be a female while it was a male all along.
She is now banned from further participation in sports.
For me it was plain and straight thing to believe that it was such a fraud, she must have just faked it by being a little bit feminine. And I forgot about it.
Few years later I came across a podcast by Radiolab where I got the name and whole background of the athelete in question. The athelete in question here is an Indian athelete who was Dutee Chand from Odisha.
She was banned based on a test done to confirm the gender of the athletes to avoid cross participation of atheletes among men and woman.
The test however was not a regressive practice of making woman show their private parts to doctors which was a practice during cold war to make sure female team is all female and no fraud, it wasn't even a chromosomes test where your DNA is tested for which chromosomes you have but a testosterone level test.
A test which determines your supposedly gender based on your testosterone levels.
Being from a Indian village these accusations were confusing to Chand while she herself was raised by her parents to be a woman.
This further story should be a national news but unfortunately my country thinks only the stuff involving money and religion are worth sharing for.
Well Chand went to atheletes court and fought this case on basis that the test which determines these things are not accurate and one can not ban her for having higher testosterone levels. The court gave the decision against the ban and lifted the ban from her with a suggestion to federation which banned her to take a look at the methods used for determining gender.
Why I say it's an important news?
Because of so many things, one being my controversial opinion that why should there be two different sports category, can a woman not be better than a man at sports?
Well study suggests there is a significant amount of difference between how a man performs and how a woman perform and that is why these two were differentiated.
But then what about a world where we are having Transgender, Agender, Bigender would these binary norms survive?
Will we have a gender neutral point where all our skills will be tested based on our abilities and not capped by these norms?
Sometimes when I see around and find couples who still have this idea of who their kid is going to be or what kind of things they should do based on their cisgender. I feel the need to provide my point. Yet I am aware of the consequences that my factual points might be insulting or offensive to them.
When I still see parents providing toys, books, songs based on this one thing which actually vilifies the different options the kids may want to try.
In a country where same sex couples were illigal and same sex marriage is still considered illigal I wish I could express my opinion to not to put these kids in certain boxes limiting their life experiences.
A country which always had this stigma around gender other than binary genders is on verge of bringing another big change which may one day make same sex marriage legal.
My generation was aware of the crimes, hate and disgust for this concept and also participated in it. There is a new change on horizon which is going to bring down this entire Charade of pretentious gender norms.
I argue a lot about these male vs female issues with people who are close to me or who are rather interested in listening my view point. I feel gender fluidity is on the verge of being born as a modern world's most beautiful thing.
A world where a person is not limited to certain jobs, roles, place to live or even value for their efforts.
A world where value is assigned to skill and knowledge and not to the appearances..
A world where everyone has right to love, marry and have kids with whoever they want to.
Dutee Chand represents that world where she has a place because of her training and skills and one can not ban her simply because she has natural chemical levels higher in her based on decided limits of unproven methods.
Dutee who then explored her own sexuality and came out as first ever openly lesbian athelete is the epitome of this years of struggle in our country of people who had to keep the fight up to give name to their story.
This should be a news which should reach every person who is in this country so it can be aspiring to everyone to be loving, caring and supporting in a world which denies the basic rights to us.
To Dutee Chand from Odisha...
Thursday, June 10, 2021
कोकणचा पाऊस
कोकणातला आंबा, फणस आणि माणूस जितका लोकप्रिय आहे तितकाच इथला पाऊसही आहे बरं का...
माझी या पावसाबरोबर ची ओळख म्हणजे अगदी लहानपणीची. माझ्या चिपळूणच्या आजोळच्या घरी पडवी मधुन दिसणारा धो धो कोसळणारा पाऊस म्हणजे माझी आवडती आठवण. इतका पाऊस येऊन तो आपल्या कौलारू घराच्या आत कसा बरं येत नाही असा विचार माझ्या मनात किती वेळा डोकावत असे.
बरं ही आठवण अगदी ठराविक वेळेची कारण आमचं आजोळी जाणं हे उन्हाळ्यातच. तेव्हा सगळीकडे रखरखीत ऊन आणि उन्हाने भाजून पिवळट केशरी झालेली भाताची शेती दिसायची.
दुपारी १२ च्या सुमारास चिपळूण स्थानकावरून निघालेली बस १-१.३० वाजता आमच्या गावाच्या वेशीवर थांबायची आणि तिथून १-२ किलोमीटर चा चालण्याचा प्रवास नकोसा वाटत असे.
इतका कोरडा प्रदेश २-३ दिवसाच्या पावसाने हिरवागार कसा होत असेल बरं हे कोड कधी माझ्या लहानग्या डोक्याला सुटतच नसे.
तिथल्या धो धो पावसाने व्हाळ भरून वाहायला लागल्यावर त्यातलं पाणी काचेसारख दिसायच आणि त्यातले लहान मासे पाय बुडवले की पायाला गुदगुल्या करत ते साफ करायचे. अलीकडे मॉल मध्ये किती तरी पैसे देऊन हेच सुख अनुभवायचा अतोनात प्रयत्न अनेक लोक करत असतात पण त्या हिरवळीतला तो अनुभव दुर्मिळच.
व्हाळातल्या कपारीत लपलेल्या कूर्ल्या म्हणजेच खेकडे पकडायला सावध नजर आणि कौशल्यच हवे. हे तिथल्या स्थानिक लोकांनी वर्षानुवर्षे अवगत केले आहे. कुर्ली पकडायला जाणे हा तिथला एक adventure sport च म्हणा ना.
बरं व्हाळातले पाणी प्यायला वापरत का नाहीत याचं उत्तर माझ्या सारख्या घाटावरच्या मुलीला इथे राहायला लागल्यावरच कळाले.
सिंधुदुर्गातला पाउस तर अजून विलक्षण. कधी दिवस-दिवस भर आभाळ भरून गरजणारा तर कधी हलका हलका ऊन पावसातला.
पाऊस पडून गेला की आजूबाजूचे रस्ते हिरवेगार करणारा आणि विहिरी पाण्याने तुडुंब भरून टाकणारा.
याच पावसानंतर किती तरी विलक्षण किडे पुन्हा एकदा वार्षिक जन्म घेतात. त्यांचं आयुष्य किती फार तर फार एक दोन दिवसांच पण तरीही इकडे तिकडे उडून, दिव्याभोवती घोटाळून ते आपल्या जीवाची मुंबई करतात असं म्हणायला हरकत नाही.
रात्रीच्या प्रवासात याच हिरवळीत लुकलुकणारे काजवे तर आकाशातल्या चांदण्यांनाही लाजवतील.
आपला वेगळाच आवाज करून लहान मोठे बेडूक आपल्या प्रेयसीला आकर्षित करण्याचा प्रयत्न करत असतात.
कधी कधी एक वेगळाच पाऊस पडत असतो जो न आवाज करता फक्त वाळू हातातून निसटत असल्यासारखा भुरभुरत राहतो. त्याच्या शांततेत लक्ष झाडे वाऱ्यावर डुलत शांतपणे आपली कामे करीत राहतात.
ह्याच सुरुवातीच्या पावसाने एकदा का आपापली जमीन ओलावली की नांगरणी आणि पेरणी केली जाते. त्यातून उगवलेला तरवा म्हणजे तांदळाच्या रोपांच्या पेंड्या बांधल्या जातात. नंतर च्या सातत्याने पडणाऱ्या पावसाने कोपरे भरले की मग भात लावणीची तयारी करायला बाया माणसे सरसावतात.
कधी कधी दुपारच्या उन्हाने कोमट झालेल्या चिखलात गुडघाभर पाण्यात एक एक भाताची काडी लावून झाल्यावर त्या रांगेला बघून एखाद्यानं फुटपट्टीने मोजून लावणी केली आहे की काय असे वाटेल.
भर पावसातही आपली इरली, घोंगडी, काठी घेऊन लोक आपलं काम करत असतात. इतकी काटक की हा पाऊस त्यांना थंडी-तापाची आठवणही होऊ देत नाही.
उन्हाळ्यात रुक्ष अशा या जमिनी पावसाळ्यात एखादा तलाव असावा तशा भरून जातात. गेल्या वर्षात इकडे तिकडे पडलेल्या प्रत्येक बी-बियाण्याला जगवतात. जंगलात ही उन्हाळ्यात लपून राहिलेल्या अळंब्या हळू हळू डोकावू लागतात आणि त्या शोधायला जाण्याची मोहीम ही सुरू होते. पावसाळ्यात पहिल्या वाफेच्या भाताबरोबर वाटप घातलेलं हे अळंबीच कालवण म्हणजे स्वर्गसुख.
या पावसाने घराभोवती येणारे रान म्हणजे गवती सापासारख्या अनाहुत पाहुण्यांना निमंत्रण म्हणून दर वर्षी रान नडणे म्हणजे जमीन साफ करण्याचा कार्यक्रम निश्चित.
ते चिवट रान पाऊस येईल तसे पुन्हा पुन्हा येत राहते, पण त्याला सफाचट करणारी माणसे देखील तितकीच चिकाटीची.
कोकण आणि कोकणच्या पावसाने इथल्या माणसांना अगदी हवं ते आणि गरजे इतकं वैभव दिलं आहे. इथली संस्कृती ह्याच पावसाने समृद्ध होत आली आहे. उन्हाळ्यात लाही लाही झाल्यानंतर याच पावसाची सुखद लहर ४-५ महिने तरी जीवाला थंडावा देते. कठीण समय संपल्यानंतर येणाऱ्या समृद्धीची ग्वाही देते.
पावसाच्या प्रेमात तर मी आधी सुद्धा होते पण शहरी भागातल्या पावसापेक्षा एक वेगळाच अनुभव देणारा कोकणचा पाऊस मात्र वेगळीच अनुभूती देऊन जातो.
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Leader of the free world
When I started following US politics or world politics for that matter, I heard from many people who said why don't you look at your own country first.
But I guess I was put off by the way our political parties worked, the supporters or the volunteers I was witnessing in my own country.
As I could see many of them blinded by the mere carisma of a leader and blindly followed them into any policy, defend any reckless decisions of them in the names of brilliant foreseeable future. I stand by my side to freely say that I do follow world or American politics because I feel there is something to look up to.
The first and foremost democracy teaches us even when it's in the low, allowing us to have an opportunity to learn from their mistakes.
While my country still struggle to get over cast differences I look up to a country which no matter the opposition gives fair chance to anyone who is capable.
As I see woman claiming the places they always meant to have and it gives me hope that one day we can reach there.
As I see a country torn apart and then united somehow to hold its utmost values.
I saw 4 years of pain and suffering of immigrants, people of color, environmental laws being wrecked and an absolute nonsensical behaviour from a person who called himself leader of the free world. I was naive back then to think that he did not deserve that seat, now when I think about it.
I feel he did deserve it. He was there so people could know what being a xenophobic, recist and maniac can do to a beautiful country with million opportunities.
The corona came as a surprise to everyone and it was an absolute misfortune to have to deal with that on top of already sinking ship.
I have seen last 4 years of American democracy through various angles. Right from innocent people trapped in the prison due to his policies till the water contamination laws being thrown out of the window to support the industries, from people of color being killed out in the open till the children being kept in the cages away from their parents for no mistake of their own.
I feel hopeful and optimistic about the future and I don't mean just the future of our country which is currently in ruins but I feel that we as mankind can lead a better way even through the darkest of hours.
I see so many farmers protesting in the streets for the laws, people making noise for the release of activists, comedians and journalist, people who are courageous enough to call out the leader. I know we can win against the cruelty, lies, inhumane values and racist beliefs.
The future belongs to the truth...
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