I have been reading and listening about this issue and never really have any substantial opinion for the point.
Just few days ago when I suddenly thought about it from my perspective I realized how wrong and confused opinions I hold about this. I mean yes, I did watch more than enough documentaries about child birth, hold an intense emotional bond for my future off spring I never really gave a thought to why some people are pro life and some are pro choice.
Pro life- A person who believes to be supportive of a child birth and never taking any stand which might turn into a forcefully ending a child’s life because of the emotional and other reasons.
Pro choice- A person who believes that if a child birth might result into something worse situation then it’s better to prevent them from suffering by ending their life rather than being emotional or other reasons.
These are my definitions, as I went on reading I found hundreds of aspect of the same thing which would overlap and continue the argument of pro life vs pro choice go on for as long as we human exist.
As I come to conclusion of my point of view I feel maybe I have been more inclined towards pro choice.
There are so many reasons when people are not ready to alter their life because of a mere mistake they made.
A birth of child is always an life altering decision, people spend their money, energy, emotional involvement, time and other future plans when they think about having a family.
But if something that was unplanned is ruining their whole plan wouldn’t they choose the choices they might use instead of just sticking to it? Of course they would.
Aren’t we all just selfish bits living for what we think will make us happy.
some reasons for taking the decisions of aborting the child.
rape cases
incestuous relationship resulting into forced pregnancy
threat to health of woman
threat to future conditions of parents
uncertainty of the future of the child
drug cases having unhealthy children
child is deformed or won’t survive
As far as I know, I have always been a baby enthusiast if you call it.
The concept of parenthood excites me as visiting eiffel tower or getting married.
I feel as if it is going to be an overwhelming experience for me to go through.
I feel it will provide me so much emotional backup to write about this one experience which I have waited for as long as I can remember, and aborting a child seems as if doing the very thing that I will regret for the rest of my life.
But if that choice is backed by certain practical ways of dealing with an situation then I might do it no matter how hard it is.
The subject is obviously the emotional and complex to come up to a single solution but putting up restrictions which prevents woman or rather people from having control over their own lives is certainly not acceptable.
The argument can go on for long time as long as we don’t come up to a certain scientific basis to end it by any means. Well until then choices are all that we can justify our behavior with...

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