Monday, December 1, 2014

Assumptions and Theory!

    Some days ago our research methodology lecture was going on and our teacher asked us hat whether it is possible for any of us to be great scientist like Archimedes, Newton?
      Nobody raised their hands, but then she said it is quite true that maybe none of you can be searchers like them, because whatever was basic to be find out has been already discovered by them.
     The commerce or any art graduate might not find any new search, as whatever the research will happen it will be the applied research. And it is because we take searches which had been already proven and try to find the applications out of it but this doesn’t mean that any comparison would be between the scientist like those and those who found the application of things. When it comes to Newton or Archimedes they were actually the carriers or the switches I think.
 Before Newton there were millions of apple failing on ground, before Archimedes the water was always falling  out of tub when body mass was dropped in it. But the Eureka moment was always when thought from nowhere clicks and it changed the world. Isn’t that’s pretty amazing and yet the most unsolved mystery has to be solved.
From where our thought came?
I read a logical sentence in a book. A man who loved his wife said, this whole love, feelings has nothing to do with mind and emotions. This all is just a reflection of a chemical reaction happening in my brain. I didn’t approve it at all.
How it can be just explained this simply?
How the whole point of our existence can be explained just by the chemical and physical reactions?
A logical person will always give explanations to every question, why did apple fell?
Why did water displaced?
Why every single thing does has its properties?
These all were the questions and answers were found by those who discovered the questions.
Because Newton had a question, he found its answer. Because Archimedes had a problem to solve, and the answer came to him (Well on inappropriate time.. :P)
But still that is why he became Archimedes, because kekule didn’t know the reason or structure of benzene the dream showed him. According to my logic, I think the universe gives right answers to those who ask. But I don’t think it’s this easier just to find something unknown to everyone.
And I live in an imaginary world where I always feel that its infinite.
Yeah, when Newton found gravity, but who’s gonna find why gravity exist?
Why does our this whole system exist?
Why does all the universe, milkyways and assumptions exist?
Why is life so complicated and beautiful at once?
If there are so many earths in universe then why cant they just come to us and explain this to us?
I read a sentence once, “Death must be really beautiful, whoever meets it, leaves living!”
J well it must be…
And why is there so much yet to figure out why people just suddenly gives up and stop existing.
Yeah we find links to logical and medical and physical explanations but at some part we just stuck and its like a full stop.
While parallel living in this whole system, why cant we just go beyond this?
If we can think and dream about the things which never even happened before or imagine something incredible which never existed before, where does all our thoughts come from?
I wish I could ask someone and achieve answers of,
How was your death?
Was it painful?
Do we exist after that?
Is there any heaven?
Did you met god?
How’s he like?
Is there any god?
There are things which exist and we try to explain. But it can never fully complete.

Our all assumptions are actually thesis, and we yet had not approved them as theory…

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