Saturday, July 1, 2017

Clockwork Orange

Finally after twisting my face to the violence and gore explained in this book, I finally finished it.

This book been tempting me since so many years to finish it, showing its weird cover in my recommendation list on goodreads. So I finally started to read and found out the weird language it was using.

The words like rot and rooker and platties and horrorshow making me cringe every time I came across them made it so difficult to continue it for a long time. Yet I persisted and finished it.

So the clockwork orange, at first you would think it is some kind of code language for something important as an order of the world or a person who runs the things in this world. But no. As it is an ultimately useless and meaning less object in our world, its context is the same in this world. As a clockwork orange is useless, criminals in this world are treated, as if being useless once they commit something that is against the previously defined norms.

The narrator calls himself as "humble" person but each time he says this, you want to slap right across his face to remind him that he is far away from calling himself humble. He does the stuff like hitting people with sticks, raping young girls in his own home(?), robbing people, doing drugs and the whole other violent activities and seem to explain them as if they are normal activities like drinking water and walking on road.

He is young and  lives with his parents after being into reform school for his previous mischievous behavior but reform school seem to be turning him into a hard core criminal.
Once he gets caught while robbing a elder lady alone in her home, his friends (whom he calls droogies, yuck! ) somehow escape but then Alex finds himself in prison after being proved of his crime.
You'd think the story would take a good end as Alex being humble in real in prison at least, but noooo. He does his shit even in prison, trying to kill and fight with other prison mates.

Then the government has come up with a brilliant plan of reforming criminals into civilized people by a psychological methods of making them sick while showing crimes on screen. It seems to be effective on Alex and soon he starts to feel sick with the thought of crime plus his favorite hobby listening to classical music like Mozart. The method effectively ruins his thinking ability making himself cringe with the violent things he would do to other people.
Alex is released and allowed to roam in the world outside as a free man but he struggles with the life as he leads on since nothing in the world makes him happy anymore.

In the meantime he starts to get thoughts like killing himself and he tries to commit suicide after not being able to stand a symphony by Beethoven which would have made him so happy before his treatment in prison.

He wakes up in hospital with his bones broken and again given a psychological treatment to reverse the previous one, he seems to be cured since  he has the thoughts of crime again, and he ends his not so "humble" story with note that he still exists and that we heard his story once.

to be honest, I did not even find any meaning in the book except some small insights.

I think the main thing explained in this plot was that we are  to be grateful for the world we live in because we have the opportunities to choose among the choices. When a higher authority limits your choices and then it leads to a absolute monotonous life.
 When reforming the criminals the method of changing their natural responses to the crime and hate cant help them. Since after certain period they can get those back as Alex does. They only seem to be interested in changing the outer shell of a man while the criminal instinct can not be fully erased from the core unless the man himself changes.

The only thing I loved about this book was that as they had so many different words for things. they had a word for Cigarettes. Can you guess what it is???


Isnt its pretty amazing idea? To call something with its effect down the road. would't you think twice before having a "Cancer" if it might result into having the actual one.

So Clockwork Orange, Either has a real deep meaning or is overrated like "Catcher in the Rye", Either Alex is just a piece of shit in a shitty world or he is just a genius who seem to show his existence though being a Clockwork Orange.


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