Friday, December 8, 2017

Philosophize this 2. Friedrich Nietzsche and the truth of his Nihilism, Love, Philosophy

Whenever till now I have heard this name Friedrich Nietzsche, I start to hate this man, rather I used to hate him for his Nihilism concept. A concept which tells a sort of weirdly pessimistic world where there is no hope and we are just meant to come into this world and die.

After going through three episodes of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy I want to admit my mistake and stop hating this guy.

Again a short post about what I understood that made me change my prejudice about Friedrich Nietzsche's world view.

Envy- Since we start to understand what envy is, we are taught to resist its poisonous thorns  and keep ourselves satisfied in what we have. Nietzsche on the other hand gives a view as to take envy as a reminder that you lack something and you should work to achieve that thing. I found this very interesting way of figuring out what we actually look for to become.

Religion and Alcohol- Nietzsche talks about avoiding alcohol to momentarily escaping the reality and sadness we feel. Alcohol has a pro and cons column where in pro's we can list that it gives us a 1 hour or 2 hour high of happiness or relaxation which we steal from the next day in order to escape the suffering of today.
Religion on the other hand has the same effect where people tries to be lost in an oblivion where we forget our worries and try to put them onto something greater than us just to escape the reality. Again the same effect as being drunk on alcohol. (This was very hard for me to grasp, being one of the  most drunkard on prayer stuff. But once it made sense, I was surprised that how fitting this all is.)

 Nietzsche says if you are trying to escape the thing you should suffer through, you will never have the will to fight it through, which in turn will leave you into a careless state which neither helps nor leads to anything else. In his opinion we should rather stay cautious and find out the real ways to fight off this feeling of suffering by overcoming the difficulties we face.

Nietzsche's nihilism concept was actually meant to be fight off by the use of our mind and goal making ability to obtain certain meaning in our life. He says one should actually think of their start of life as a Nihilistic place which we have to escape by finding out what we love from the bottom of our heard regardless of opinions of others, traditions of others and influence of others. Only that way we can get the desired person we want ourselves to be. The happiest, capable and your own higher self by keeping the calculated goals ahead of us.

Nietzsche's concept of love kind of made me sad, although I think its worth thinking about.

Nietzsche thinks when it comes to love, love and greed aren't really two different things. When we want something in our life, we wish to attain it by no means what. When we chose a person to fall in love with, he is like the counterpart of the things that we desire to pursue. If you are a short person, you wish to find a tall person. If you cant sing but love the songs you wish you'd find someone who can. and so many such things  that we lack and find ourselves attracted to. Nietzsche doesnt really call us bad people for blindly thinking this greed of traits as love, he just puts it forward as it is.

The end of the series was that Nietzsche was probably the most misunderstood philosopher of the history with having so many layered opinions about human beings. I am so glad that finally my views about his work have cleared up. I have actually started liking this harsh truth guy instead of hating his prejudiced conception I had.

This one is to Nietzsche! A progressive philosopher...


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